On the 27th September 2024, the DfE published a report called Use Of Supply Teachers In Schools. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/use-of-sup…
Put in a claim for unpaid holiday pay and/or unlawful umbrella deductions. For years, supply teachers in all social media forums have complained about…
There are many umbrella companies offering to process supply teacher pay, but one has made us an offer which we think raises it above the rest. Ok, yo…
Why Teachers Work Through Supply Agencies The vast majority of supply teachers in England have no choice but to work through private agencies. Private…
If you work directly with a school or through a local authority supply pool, then the wages you are quoted by your employer will be your gross pay: be…
(And probably September) Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com Every year, at this time, newer members of the Network tend to ask a very familiar ques…
What to say when the agency say you don't have a case In the second leaflet of the Myth Busters series, Martin Powell-Davies explores some of the excu…
Mythbusters are going to be a series of PDF posters, exploding the myths around Agency Workers Regulations to educate supply members so they can get t…